Lazarus House Outreach, Inc.

Helping Henry County, GA

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Welcome to

Lazarus House Outreach, Inc.

We're committed to helping YOU.

We provide residents of McDonough, GA with individualized services. From food pantry services to volunteer opportunities, we strive to help our community however we can. Contact us now to learn more about our counseling, volunteer, food pantry, or other resources in McDonough, GA. 

Meet Our Team

Chaplain Dr. Tamara Jackson

Chaplain Dr. Tamara Jackson

Chief Operating Officer

Chaplain Michael F. Jackson

Chaplain Michael F. Jackson

Chief Executive Officer

Chaplain Bobbie Gilbert

Chaplain Bobbie Gilbert

Chief Financial Officer

Mary Tyson

Mary Tyson

Senior Program Director

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Pastors Michael, and Tamara Jackson, are the Visionaries of Lazarus House Outreach, Inc., a program that reaches out to the less fortunate, alcohol & drug addicted, and those seeking support for everyday issues that disrupt their way of life. Lazarus House Outreach, Inc., is located in McDonough, GA. The Jackson's decided to start this nonprofit organization because God placed in their hearts the desire to work in the ministry of Community Outreach. Helping men, women and families find restoration from distressed situations, they shared a vision of starting a program to provide services that would help people learn how to be fruitful and more productive in the life they are destined to live. 

Both Michael and Tamara are ordained ministers and certifed chaplains. Michael has a B.A in Biblical Studies. Tamara has a Ph.D., in Organizational Leadership, a M.A. in Christian Counseling and is a Board Certified Christian Counselor and Therapist. They began Lazarus House Outreach, Incorporated in 2001. Our Senior Program Administrator, Bobbie Gilbert, has a B.S. in Accounting and is also a Certified Chaplain. She has been a committed Board member of team Lazarus House, Inc., since its inception. Bobbie plays a key role in the continued success of this organization. Mary Tyson has been a loyal volunteer for Lazarus House Outreach, Inc., for several years. She is pivitol in the organzation and planning of our outreach and communications efforts. She became an official board member in May, 2022. We are blessed have a team that is experienced, committed and dedicated to helping Lazarus House Outreach, Inc., serve the masses in our communities.

Committed to helping YOU achieve YOUR dreams.

Our Partners

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Food Pantry


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Lazarus House Outreach Inc.

By Appointment Only

Please Call to Make an Appointment



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